~raising happy, healthy, confident girls in this crazy world~

Friday, March 25, 2011

~My Middle is Whittled~

"As the countdown to the start of a brand new channel ends, a brand new Countdown begins."

click here for complete ~Whittle Your Middle~ routine

This was a great start to getting stronger abs. Challenging yet Attainable. Next time look for the work to be more intense! In the end I certainly felt stronger in working out and every day activities. I was amazed at the power my core showed me when doing yoga and pilates. As far as definition goes well that may take a few more whittling challenges! I lost about an inch and a half from my waist!

I am very proud of this accomplishment! Over the past month I completed 24 sessions and focused my diet on foods that claim to fight the belly bulge. I am happy with the results and look forward to future core strengthening. I plan to continue with some of these exercises 2-3 days/week until the next challenge!


How is your challenge going? Are you happy with your results?

What's Next??
I thought I'd be ready to share my next training for a half marathon but the timing conflicts with my 20 year high school reunion~OMG~ and i'm not quite ready to start my Triathlon Training...soooo I would love to do another joint challenge with LOTS of participation...so I'm open for thoughts and suggestions. I'd like to start up next week!

What area would you like to target?


Elizabeth Dean said...

I just found young blog last week and started my own Whittle My Middle challenge a couple of days ago. I have zero core strength and hated even the idea of working on it because I loathed the notiong of laying on my back and doing crunches. This program is great for that because it incorporates yoga poses with stability ball work- no crunches!

Lisa @ Eat.Pray.Run. said...

Kila! Your before and after pics are amazing!! One and a half inches off your waste in one month!!!! I think that's incredible!! You should be super happy and proud of yourself. Thanks for sharing your journey ( :

PS you also look a lot more tan in the 'after' picture! ( :

Kila Bell said...

Yay thanks for participating and i promise you will feel stronger and longer after doing this for a month!

I think it's the lighting cause this belly hasn't seen the sun in a very long time!