~raising happy, healthy, confident girls in this crazy world~

Thursday, March 3, 2011

~Whittle Your Middle~

Let's EAT!!! Eating is a very important aspect of any training plan. This is an area that often times gets neglected either by depleting yourself or not selecting well balanced foods. I've always been really good at choosing the suggested foods for fat burning. There are three things i've made an honest effort to increase in my meal planning while whittling is: 1. Dairy: Yogurt and Milk specifically. 2. Nuts: This is always scary to me because Nuts=Fat but these fats are actually GOOD for you and there are claims that it helps burn fat in the abdominal region...almonds, walnuts and sunflower seeds (i know not a nut) are my favorites. 3. Green Tea: I like tea but i guess i'm more of a social drinker. Research says that drinking 2+ a day targets the mid section for weight loss so i'm drinking it up daily! I would love to share my daily intake but time is hard to come by and when you primarily eat meals at home and pack a lunch for two little ones well time is something I always wish I had more of! So, you'll have to settle for sporadic food posts. And, I promise to post some recipes here before my 30 days is up!


Yogurt: I mix nonfat plain with a flavored yogurt to cut the sugar. Greek is my favorite. Mix in some berries: strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. Top with flax seed granola and a few almonds. Served with fresh squeezed OJ!


Holy Yumminess! This IS the stuff! Oh yea top a brown rice cake with 1 Tablespoon of this stuff and a cup of milk and oh YUM!!!!


Ok so this was actually a lunch box idea post that I never got around to. But I had the same thing for my lunch on the go...Light string cheese, boiled egg, deli ham, carrots and I had a plum not the cinnamon bran cereal bites the girls had!


Ok-Mak crackers topped with mashed avocado and sunflower seeds. I like to add spinach but was out!


Yup it's my infamous "taco salad"...green and red leaf lettuce, curly kale, cilantro, red onion & bell peppers topped with re fried beans, guacamole, nonfat plain yogurt, a yummy spicy salsa and baked tortilla chips...i eat this at least once a week!

Now I will go and have some Green Tea and maybe those yummy cinnamon bran cereal bites!

what's up with my terrible photography??? must be the change in the sun shining through...oh well Day Lights Savings Time is in 10 days!!!


Natalie said...

Yummy!!! I discovered the cholocate pb and am so in love with it!!!!!!

Lisa @ Eat.Pray.Run. said...

YUM, everything looks so good! never tried the chocolate PB--that looks awesome!! and, i think i could eat your taco salad every day! your lunchbox ideas always inspire me ( :