~raising happy, healthy, confident girls in this crazy world~

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

~Tools of the Trade~

The idea of ~Tools of the Trade~ was intended to share websites that were helpful with whatever my moments pursuit of happiness may be at the time. Today, I'm going to challenge myself (and you) to ~Whittle Your Middle~

My challenges for the 2011 year are to run a half marathon and participate in two triathlons. My goal is to blog about the journey and share my training plans. But first I want to dedicate my training to core work for one month before my running training begins. My poor abdominals may never be the same after an abdominal surgery and two C-sections in three years but I'm going to make the commitment to give them some attention!

There are some amazing exercises out there and I am committing to doing 6-10 minutes of core exercises 5 days a week. I will be researching and documenting my findings and workouts.

I will continue with my yoga, cardio and strength training.

There are tons of superfoods out there that promise to specifically reduce the ole belly bulge so I promise to research and increase those foods in my eating plan.

I will continue with my yoga, cardio and strength training.

So stay tuned...and get ready to turn on your abs and ~Whittle Your Middle~ with me!


Patty Blanchard said...

So you'll share your research with us? :)

Lisa @ Eat.Pray.Run. said...

yay! AWESOME! i love that you've chosen to do and share about something so specific!! i've always been weak on strengthening my core, and strength training in general, so i can't wait to hear about your findings. that's so cool that you're committing to the half and two tri's. i want to do at least one half this year as well. a tri...not so much. can you doggie paddle for the swim portion? : )

ps is it okay if i give your blog a shout out on my blog? i don't have that many followers, but i think the people who like reading my blog would love to read yours!!

Kila Bell said...

Yes I'm not only sharing my research with ya'll but i'm also challenging YOU to do it with me!

I would LOVE for you to share my blog!
