~raising happy, healthy, confident girls in this crazy world~

Sunday, September 26, 2010

~Nutrition in a Nutshell~

I just can't help myself! There are soooo many superfoods that I just have to post over and over again! Guess what?!?! I'm not gonna stop! And today it is the fabulous CANTALOUPE

I'll never stop talking about all the deliciously wonderful fresh foods out there and share with you the adventures in feeding and eating with a two and four year old. One day I promise all of these ~Nutrition in a Nutshell~ posts will go into greater detail all there is to know and learn about Nutrition! But in the meantime...



1 comment:

allisonsaja said...

MMMMMM!!!! Now I have to go BACK to Peeps to get that one! The girls sure make it appealing! Great quickie today...hope to see you this week. Don't forget the tail light! Cute post!